Tomihiro Tanaka, The President of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Tatsuya Yamada, Head of Legal Division, General Affairs Department of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

15:00-16:00 Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Language: The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation.

*NOTE: Due to covid-related space restrictions, a limited reservation system will be in place. FCCJ Regular members and working press, including TV cameras/photographers, will be given priority. The press conference will be Livestreamed on the FCCJ Youtube channel.

Since former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's assassination on July 8th, dozens of Liberal Democratic Party officials, including many in Abe's political faction, have come under fire for their connections to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, also known as the Unification Church. In addition, lawyers, including three who spoke at FCCJ last month, have focused on its controversial recruitment and donation methods. Please join us as the church's top executives in Japan come to FCCJ to explain their views on the developments, reports, and allegations of the past month.

How to attend:
Please register at front@fccj.or.jp with your name, the name of your media outlet, and FCCJ membership number. Due to space restrictions attendance will be limited. Doors open 30 minutes before the event.

TV crew and still photographer: Please make a reservation at front@fccj.or.jp. Due to space restrictions attendance will be limited. Doors open for TV crews and photographers only at 60 minutes before the event.

How to watch online: https://www.youtube.com/c/FCCJchannel/live
Livestreaming of the press events will be available and video of this event will be uploaded to our FCCJ YouTube channel. Members watching the event online can submit questions for the speakers in advance using this submission form https://forms.gle/CXM8RpA1hKDZSHGa9.

会場の都合上、参加人数には上限がございます。会場でのペン取材、テレビ・スチルのご予約につきましてはFCCJ RegularメンバーまたはWorking Pressが優先されること、テレビは系列1社1台となりますので、ご了承ください。会場での取材、TV・スチル撮影をご希望のメディアはメールfront@fccj.or.jp にてご予約をお願いいたします。

Professional Activities Committee