Musical "La Cage aux Folles"
March 21, 2022

Lunch 11:30-12:30 La Brasserie, Imperial Hotel Tower B1 (pleae click to jump)
Musical 13:00-16:00 Nissei Theater

As the number of Covid-19 infections is decreasing, your Special Projects Committee decided to re-start the usual theater visit program with
"La Cage aux folles," the winner of the prestigious Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical.

Takeshi Shikaga and Masachika Ichimura play the owner of the gay nightclub and its star in Saint-Tropez, southern France.
Suddenly their comfortable life is almost destroyed by the unexpected visit of the owner's son with his fiancee and her parents who are ultra conservative politicians. The outcome is hilariously funny. After a good lunch, laughter is the best digestif.

Tickets including S-seat and lunch including a glass of wine and/or soft drinks cost 18,500 yen per person. Please call the front desk  03-3211-3161 or reserve online ASAP. Only 20 seats are booked and please be aware, no cancellations are allowed in this reservation.                                                                                                        

Special Projects Committee


ミュージカル「ラ カージュ オ フォール 籠の中の道化たち」3月21日 (祝日)

11:30-12:30 昼食 ラ・ブラスリー (仏蘭西料理)帝国ホテルタワー地下1階 (please click to jump)
13:00-16:00 ミュージカル 日生劇場



劇団四季の元幹部俳優の鹿賀 丈史 (ジョルジュ)と市村 正親(アルバン)が 南仏サントロペのゲイクラブ「ラ カージュ オ フォール (籠の中の道化たち)」で「ゲイ(芸)は無限よ」とジョークを連発し、固く結ばれた夫婦愛と同性間の家族の絆を示します。

ジョルジュの息子ジャン (内海 啓貴)、フィアンセのアンヌ(小南 満佑子)、超保守派のダントン議員(今井 清隆)、ダントン夫人(森 公美子)と若手とヴェテランの芸達者たちが舞台をさらに盛り上げます。

先着20席限定となっておりますので お申し込みは今すぐフロントまで電話 03-3211-3161 をお願いいたします。
