Banana Yoshimoto, the prize-winning and internationally bestselling author of Kitchen, will discuss her book The Premonition. The Japanese original, published in 1988, was an instant bestseller and has sold 1.92 million copies. The book was released in 2023 in an English translation by Asa Yoneda and has garnered rave reviews in the global media. Set in Japan, is a deep and heartwarming exploration of loneliness and painful memories. In the story, Yayoi, a 19-year-old woman from a seemingly loving middle-class family, is learning to come to terms with her mysterious past.
Yoshimoto, 59, is an icon in modern Japanese literature and has won critical acclaim for her writing and vision. She debuted as an author with Kitchen, which won the 6th Kaien Newcomer Writer’s Prize in 1987. She also won the 16th Izumi Kyōka Prize for Literature (1988) with Moonlight Shadow, the 39th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts for Utakata/Sankuchuari (Transient/Sanctuary) (1989) and the 2nd Yamamoto Shūgorō Prize for Goodbye Tsugumi (1989), the 5th Murasaki Shikibu Literary Prize for Amrita (1995.)
In 2000 her book, Furin to Nanbei (Adultery and South America) was awarded the 10th Bunkamura Les Deux Magots Literature Award (selection made by Mitsumasa Anno.) In October 2022, her Miton to Fubin was awarded the 58th Tanizaki Junichiro Prize, one of the most prestigious literary prizes in Japan. Her Italian awards include the Premio Scanno in 1993, the Premio Fendissime (for artists under 35) in 1996, the Machera d’Argento in 1999 and the Premio Capri in 2011. Her books have been translated and published in over 30 countries.
“A sure and lyrical writer .... Yoshimoto transforms the trite into the essential” (The New Yorker). “Yoshimoto’s novels are like jewel boxes” (Vanity Fair). “Gorgeous ... an invitation to explore [Yoshimoto’s] unusual, alluring world" (The Telegraph).
During the COVID-19 crisis from 2019, Banana produced a prolific line of pandemic-focused essays that drew in more fans in Japan.
Yoshimoto will also share her thoughts on modern Japanese society and literature.
-----Information from the author and the publisher.
Doors open at 6:00 pm. Dinner is served from 6:15 pm. The presentation starts at 7:15 pm.
Menu: Salad Japanese Style/ Sautéed Salmon with Breadcrumbs Provencal Style/ Bread/ Today Dessert. Dinner includes coffee or tea and one beverage of choice including orange juice, oolong tea, white wine, red wine and beer.
3,000 yen for members/4,000 yen for non-members. Cancellations accepted up to 72 hours in before the event.
Please reserve at the reception desk or by email (front@fccj.or.jp). Non-members must pay by Friday, July 5th, 2024.
Online attendance (via Zoom) is available at 550 yen per person, by reservation.
Attendees with food restrictions should inform the club when reserving.
Thank you.
(Enjoy dinner with attendees before Yoshimoto discusses her book in Japanese and takes questions with English interpretation. Photography, video and audio-recording are not permitted.)
『キッチン』で国際的な評価を得た吉本ばななが、最新作『The Premonition』(翻訳Asa Yoneda)を語る。この作品の基は、1988年に日本で出版されベストセラーとなった『哀しい予感』(実売部数:約192万冊)。昨年10月に出版された英訳は、海外のメディアから絶賛を浴びている。日本を舞台にして、忘れられない孤独と辛い思い出、心温まる探検の物語。幸せな家庭で育った19歳の弥生が、謎だった自身の過去に向き合っていく。
午後6時 開場
午後6時15分頃~ お食事のサービング開始
午後7時15分 開会
午後8時半 閉会
お食事のメニュー:和風サラダ、サーモンのパン粉焼きプロバンサルソース、ブレッド2種、デザート盛り合わせ、コーヒーまたは紅茶、ドリンク1杯 (オレンジジュース、ウーロン茶、白または赤ワイン、ビール)。
Library, Archives & Workroom Committee