December 2024 Exhibition
Kimono Collages: Images by Michiko Kataoka
November 30 - December 26
The FCCJ has something a little different for our December exhibition. For our December exhibition, the FCCJ will pay homage to Japan’s traditional kimono and art world by exhibiting the works by Michiko Kataoka who is presenting her tapestry of collages made from antique kimono fabric. Creating images inspired by fabrics from the Edo period, Kataoka is one of the very few artists who conceive collages based on Ukiyo-e and Bijin-ga paintings of beautiful women.
Reception, Talk Show & Traditional Dance
6:30pm - 8:30pm, Tuesday, December 10 (doors open 6:00pm)
Members: 1,000 yen, Guests/Non-members: 2,000 yen (includes one drink)
Demonstration by Michiko Kataoka
Japanese dance by Hanayagi Sanagino (Nagisa Umeno)
In Japan, valuable kimonos are often underestimated, undervalued and discarded. Kataoka is fascinated by the beauty of the many kimono cloths handed down from her mother, especially the fabric lining of ‘haori’ coats. This passion pushes her to breathe new life into these kimonos, making use of their charm and their place in Japanese tradition.
After studying cloth collage technique with a master for two years, she has been working for more than 18 years on Ukiyo-e and Bijinga collages from the Edo period using her own unique technique. This is her first exhibition as a professional collagist, after leaving behind her office job with determination. She is especially please to be able to show her original works as well.
Peter Lyon - Chairman, Exhibition Committee
布絵 コラージュ・タペストリー: 片岡 美智子 絵布作家
11月30日 - 12月26日
レクチャー + レセプション + 日本舞踊
日時: 12月10日 (火) 18:30- 20:30 (開場 18:00)
入場料: 会員 1,000 円、ゲスト、非会員 2,000円 (1ドリンク付き)
デモンストレーション: 片岡 美智子
*日本舞踊: 花柳さなぎ乃 (梅野 渚)
今回は、覚悟を決めて事務職を辞めた彼女の、プロとして初の展示会 であり、オリジナル作品も含めて展示します。
2015年5月 柏市「山本ギャラリー」、「我孫子市市民プラザギャラリー」のほか、
2023年10月 第47回新日美展(東京都美術館)入選
2023年12月 第47回新日美京都巡回展(東京都美術館)出典
FCCJ 展示委員会委員長 ピーター・ライオン