Japan, Pierre-Antoine Donnet writes, faces the challenges of an assertive China in the form of military harassment operations against countries that assert their maritime rights in the South China Sea.
Clearly, he continues, China has an objective to drive the United States out of East Asia, and to reign as undisputed master.
What are the risks associated with China’s rising in East Asia? Why is it that the Chinese economy will not become the world's leading economy in the foreseeable future?

These are the main themes of Pierre-Antoine Donnet’s presentation of his book China: the Super Predator: A Challenge for the Planet. This is the English translation, published in 2024, of his book Chine, le grand prédateur: Un défi pour la planète

The book has also been translated into Chinese (Taiwan) and into Japanese under the title 世界を喰らう龍・中国の野望published by Shujusha(春秋社)in 2022.
Pierre-Antoine Donnet has been a professional journalist since 1982. A graduate in Political Science and Chinese Language, he worked for Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Beijing from 1984 to 1989. He was a correspondent in Tokyo (1993 to 1999), in Warsaw, the Middle East (2001-2005), and the United Nations before retiring in September 2018. 

He has written around twenty books, mostly on China, Tibet, Taiwan and Japan.


Doors open at 5:45 pm with a casual “meet the author/cocktail time” from 6:00 pm. Dinner will be served from 6:30 pm and the talk begins at 7:15 pm. 

The menu is Japanese Salad with Chicken, Sautéed Salmon White Wine Mushroom Mustard Sauce, Bread, Dessert, Coffee/Tea and One beverage of choice (orange juice, oolong tea, red or white wine, beer).

A vegetarian option is available. Please inform the club of food restrictions when reserving.

Price: 3,000 yen for members, 4,000 yen for non-members. 

The member reservation deadline is 2 pm November 6, non-members must reserve and pay by October 31, 2024.

Online attendance (Zoom) is available by reservation at 550 yen per person. 

No cancellations after November 3.


Library, Archives & Workroom Committee