Dear Members: We held an Extraordinary General Membership Meeting in late November and saw the election of Martin Fackler as Kanji and the passage of some key amendments. The Treasurer and I invited Rick Dyck as a special Finance Committee observer, who added insights to matters related to the Club. In these discussions at the meeting and with the General Manager, I am confident that our cash position is not only explicable, but firm as long as the FCCJ continues its current levy and sees the higher initiation income generated so far this year. Do we still have challenges? Of course, but those charged with managing these are working diligently to address them.

It has been a great month for PAC. Hats off to Saikawa-san and her team, as well as the committee itself, for a vibrant and diverse group of speakers. The list in November ranged from diplomats and academics to baseball champions and rock ‘n’ rollers. All speakers are also on our YouTube channel, and our events have really spoken to our brief as a place "where the news is made" with a number of must-attend moments

The date has not been set, but we will try to hold a meeting for all committee chairs in December. If you head a committee, please try to join once a date is set, although online attendance will also be possible.

In January we will hold our own commemoration for former FCCJ Director Mary Corbett, who passed away in November. An initial event will be held on December 14 from 2 pm at the Yokohama Country & Athletic Club in Yokohama, to which we are all invited. The FCCJ was one of Mary's many communities, and her connections and friends will gather to celebrate her life.

We are moving ahead with Hack & Flacks planning, with an invitation with pricing and reservation details coming shortly. This will be another chance to engage and network. I’m grateful to Gary Bremermann and David Umeda for their hard work.

As we conclude this busy year, I hope you have time to visit the Club, but if I don’t see you in person, please enjoy a very happy and prosperous holiday season from myself and all of the Board of Directors.

All the best,

Dan Sloan
President, FCCJ
