Mike Studeman, National Security Fellow, MITRE, 
Former Rear Admiral and Commander of the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence

14:00-15:00 Friday, October 25, 2024
The speech and Q & A will be in English.

The recent Chinese military exercises near Taiwan have intensified concerns over rising tensions in Asia. Mike Studeman, a distinguished U.S. national security expert, cautions about the heightened risk of accidental clashes between Chinese forces and other regional militaries, as well as the potential for open conflict. Studeman will offer his expert analysis of the current geopolitical landscape, highlighting the key players' interests and potential risk scenarios.

Topics will include: risk scenarios between China and its neighbors; what are the Chinese leadership's strategic goals; how likely are these risk scenarios to escalate into conflict; what measures can be taken to prevent escalation; and how might the next U.S. administration shape the security environment in Asia.

Mike Studeman has had a distinguished career in U.S. national security, with extensive experience in intelligence, foreign policy and defense, especially on Asia, China and North Korea. He has served in several key roles, including Director of Intelligence for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. Studeman is also a Mandarin Chinese honors graduate from the Defense Language Institute, a distinguished graduate of the National War College, and holds a distinguished degree in Asian Affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School.

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How to ask questions     
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Professional Activities Committee