Regular Membership Regular members are bona fide actively practicing foreign correspondents in Japan, or an actively practicing journalist having a significant past career as a foreign correspondent, or others having similar professional qualifications. The category of actively practicing foreign correspondents in Japan shall include persons of any nationalities engaged by foreign news organizations as correspondents. Regular: Initiation fee 37,500 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 13,000 yen Young Regular: Initiation fee 2,000 yen, deposit 20,000 yen, monthly dues 6,000 yen Outside Kanto Regular: Initiation fee 2,000 yen, deposit 30,000 yen, monthly dues 6,000 yen
Associate Membership Associate members are those who do not meet the requirements for Regular or Professional Associate membership, but are recognized by the Board of Directors as actively contributing to the objectives of the Club. Associate: Initiation fee 400,000 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 17,500 yen Diplomatic Associate: Initiation fee 75,000 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 17,500 yen (diplomat visa required) Five-Year Associate: Initiation fee 100,000 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 17,500 yen (restricted to non permanent residents, may be extended) Young Associate: Initiation fee 50,000 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 13,600 yen Outside Kanto Associate, Initiation fee 50,000 yen, deposit 30,000 yen, monthly dues 13,000 yen
Corporate Membership Corporate Memberships consist of a minimum of two Associate members from the same organization, all must complete the standard application, review and approval procedures for admission to membership. Corporate Memberships are available in five-year and ten-year terms, and may be extended in five-year or ten-year segments, regardless of the initial term. The initiation fee shall be waived for the initial two Associate members, however each additional membership beyond two shall incur a reduced initiation fee. Memberships may be transferred within the organization and shall not incur a transfer fee, however the recipient must complete the standard application, review and approval procedures for admission to membership. Corporate Five-Year Term: Initiation fee 150,000 yen, extension fee 100,000 yen, vacant fee 12,500 yen Corporate Ten-Year Term: Initiation fee 100,000 yen, extension fee 75,000 yen, vacant fee 12,500 yen Initial Two Associate Members: Initiation fee waived, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 17,500 yen Additional Associate Memberships: Initiation fee 50,000 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 17,500 yen Note 1: An Associate member leaving the organization which holds the Corporate membership may continue the membership with a reduced initiation fee of 100,000 yen. Should the Associate member opt to discontinue the membership, the organization holding the Corporate membership shall have the option of maintaining the membership slot and shall pay a monthly vacant fee of 12,500 yen until a successor takes over the slot and dues payments are resumed. Note 2: Associate memberships held in conjunction with a Corporate membership shall automatically expire if the Corporate membership term is not extended.
Professional Associate Membership Professional Associate members are actively practicing full or part-time in journalism or related fields (including academia), provided that Communication (including advertising and public relations) is not to be considered a related field and persons engaging in such work on a remunerated basis are ineligible to be a Professional Associate member. Professional Associate: Initiation fee 37,500 yen, deposit 40,000 yen, monthly dues 13,000 yen Young Professional Associate: Initiation fee 2,000 yen, deposit 20,000 yen, monthly due 6,000 yen Outside Kanto Professional Associate: Initiation fee 2,000 yen, deposit 30,000 yen, monthly dues 6,000 yen
Guest members are persons (non residents) on a brief visit to Japan.
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