Marunouchi Entrance

Our efficient and friendly reception desk staff are always ready
to provide assistance to busy Members and their guests.

Regular Members can have their mail forwarded to the Club.

The staff will pass on telephone messages and receive faxes for members (tel: 03 3211-3161 or fax: 03 3201-0677).

They can also arrange for pick-ups by courier services (FedEx, DHL, etc.)

The reception desk also sells FCCJ branded products:

  • Pens  350 yen
  • Pins 2,300 yen
  • T-shirts 3,000 yen
  • Polo shirts 3,000 yen
  • Tote Bag 3,500 yen
  • Tenugui (handtowel) 1,200 yen

      All prices include Japan's 10% consumption tax.

Rules for the Cloak Counter at the Front Desk

  1. All Members and their guests are required to pick up all of their items left at the cloak counter at the end of each day.The Club does not accept any cash or valuable belongings for safekeeping.
  2. The Club is NOT responsible for loss of, or damage to any belongings left by Members or their guests.All belongings left at the cloak counter can only be retrieved upon showing the numbered tag which was given by the cloak staff when those belongings were left.
  3. If the tags have been lost, your belongings can be retrieved after all other Members and guests have left the Club premises at the end of the business day.
  4. Any items unclaimed for three days will be disposed of.


  1. フロントならびにクロークにお預けになったお荷物は、お預けになった日(当日)中にお引き取り下さい。
  2. フロントならびにクラークでは、現金や貴重品などは一切お預かり致しません。現金や貴重品が紛失や盗難、破損が生じましても、当協会は一切その責任を負いませんので、ご承知おき下さい。
  3. メンバーやゲストの方々よりお預かりしたお荷物のお引き渡しは、全て引換証をお持ち頂いた方のみにお渡し致します。また、もし引換証を紛失された場合、来場中のメンバーおよびゲストの方々からお預かりしているお荷物が全て引き取られるまでお待ち頂きますので、ご注意下さい。
  4. お預かりしましたお荷物が、お預かりしてから3日以内にお引き取りのない場合、お荷物はお引き取りの意思がないものとして処分致します。