Demanding Joint Custody of Children 
Takanori Hashimoto, Daisuke Nakano, Akira Ueno, 
Vincent Fichot and Tommaso Perina

12:00-13:00 Tuesday, June 1, 2021
The speech and Q & A will be in English and Japanese with English interpretation.

Up to 70 percent of Japanese children whose parents are separated or divorced are cut off from one parent. Minors are entrusted with one divorced parent, usually the mother, and there is little or no cooperation between mother and father. This situation has been widely criticized for depriving children of the right to have a relationship with both parents, a right recognised by several international covenants, including the Hague Convention, which has been ratified by the Japanese government.
Japan is one of a handful of countries that does not recognize joint custody. Parental access may be denied or subject to a complicated, costly and humiliating supervised visitation system. Two young and popular fathers who have been denied access to their children are fighting for change. Famous Shogi player Takanori Hashimoto, Daisuke Nakano and Akira Ueno will come to the FCCJ to explain why the legal system concerning childcare after divorce needs immediate revision. They will be joined by Tommaso Perina and Vincent Fichot, foreign fathers who face the same tragic situation.  

How to attend: 
Please register at with your name, the name of your media outlet, and FCCJ membership number. Due to space restrictions attendance will be limited to 20 people. Doors open 30 minutes before the event. Please sign in, giving your name and contact details at the reception, and have your temperature taken before proceeding. 

How to watch online:  
Livestreaming of the press events will be available and video of this event will be uploaded to our FCCJ YouTube channel. 

How to ask questions:   
Members watching the event online can submit questions for the speakers in advance using this submission form (English only).

TV crew: Please make a reservation at Doors open for TV crews only at 45 minutes before the event. There will be five positions available for livestreaming. 

Professional Activities Committee