Yasunari Fujimoto, Co-Representative of Forum for Peace, Human Rights and Environment 
Kim Chol-Su, The Investigation Team on the Truth about Forced Korean Laborers in Japan 
Lin Boyao, Co-chair of the Executive Committee for the 100th Anniversary of the Korean and Chinese Massacre after the Great Kanto Earthquake
Hiroshi Tanaka, Emeritus Professor, Hitotsubashi University 

15:00-16:00 Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Language: The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation.

The killing of Koreans and Chinese in the wake of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake

The Japanese remember the Great Kanto Earthquake for the terrible devastation and death it caused. For the Korean and Chinese communities, it is remembered for a murderous rampage that followed.

The September 1, 1923, quake and its consequences killed more than 140,000 people in the Tokyo area. Official figures state that around 260 people were murdered after rumors spread that Koreans and Chinese were poisoning wells and committing other crimes in the wake of the quake. But compensation was paid to 832 families and 735 arrests were made. The unofficial estimate of people murdered was around 6,000. It’s listed on Wikipedia as the "Kanto Massacre."

Some Japanese politicians have downplayed the murders, and the incident remains as another disputed historical point between Japan and its near neighbors Korea and China. Four speakers will come to the Club to explain the incident and why it needs to be remembered.

How to attend
Please register at with your name, the name of your media outlet, and FCCJ membership number. Due to space restrictions attendance will be limited. Doors open 15 minutes before the event. Please sign in, giving your name and contact details at the reception, and have your temperature taken before proceeding. 

How to watch online: 
Livestreaming of the press events will be available and video of this event will be uploaded to our FCCJ YouTube channel. 

How to ask questions: 
Members watching the event online can submit questions for the speakers in advance using this submission form.

TV crew: Please make a reservation at Doors open for TV crews only at 30 minutes before the event. 

Professional Activities Committee