Tuesday, July 04, 2017, 12:00 - 14:00

"The impact of the Qatar crisis on Japan"

Language:The speech and Q & A will be in English

The diplomatic and economic blockade imposed on Qatar by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states is beginning to worry resource-poor Japan, which relies much on the region for its energy needs. There is no end in sight to the stand off as gas-rich Qatar has denied accusations by the Saudi-led bloc that it has funded terrorism and fomented regional instability.

The world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas supplied 18 percent of Japan's LNG needs last year. In April, it was Japan's fourth-largest crude oil supplier behind Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The blockade, including trade and travel bans, is affecting some 50 Japanese businesses, which have a foothold in the small but significant emirate.

The FCCJ has invited two leading Japanese experts on global energy and resources, Hiroyuki Takai and Koichiro Tanaka, to speak about the impact of the Gulf crisis on Japan, particularly its oil and LNG imports.

Takai has headed Sumitomo Corporation Global Research Co., a think tank of the Sumitomo group, since 2013. A graduate of Kobe University, he has specialized in non-ferrous metals, treasury, financial business and energy.

Tanaka has been managing director of the Institute of Energy Economics Japan since 2012, specializing in international relations and energy security in the Middle East with focus on Iran. He graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1988 with a master's degree in Persian linguistics.

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Professional Activities Committee


Hiroyuki Takai                      Koichiro Tanaka