February 2025 Exhibition
The World As Seen Through The Eyes Of Children
Collated By Artist, Osamu Asano
February 1 - 28, 2025
For the month of February, we bring you heart-warming paintings of life and landscapes as seen through the eyes of children from 150 countries, but with a particular focus on images by Ukrainian children. This gathering of children's paintings is a regularly traveling exhibition of a project created by artist Osamu Asano in his hometown of Tokachi, Hokkaido.
Reception / Musical Performance
Date: Wednesday, 12 February, 6.30-8.30pm (doors open at 6.00pm)
Entry Fee: Members 1,000 yen, Non-members 2,000 yen (one drink incl)
Speaker: Osamu Asano - talking about his philosophy of “Children don’t fight wars.” Special Guest: The event will also feature the beautiful voice of Ukrainian singer and musician Kateryna who will play the country’s traditional instrument - the Bandura.

Asano has transformed a former Japanese National Railways red brick warehouse in the town of Memuro into a unique art space which he has called the ‘Giant Potato Art Pavilion’ that doubles as an art gallery. The reasoning behind his creation dates back to 2008 when the United Nations named 2008 as the Year of the Potato, acknowledging the vegetable as a crucial food that can grow well in harsh environments and yet still provide nourishment for humankind worldwide. As a special feature of his art gallery, the space employs wooden triangular frames sourced from the windbreaks that protect the vast potato farmland in Hokkaido. Over the years, Asano has exhibited many paintings created by children on the ceilings and floors of the Giant Potato Art Pavilion in the hope that kids will grow up and live robustly like potatoes, even in the face of adversities.
Through his work, Asano has also found similarities between Hokkaido in Ukraine, a beautiful agricultural country and producer of wheat, potatoes and beans, and has collected and exhibited paintings freely created by talented Ukrainian children since before the Russian invasion.
Peter Lyon - Chairman, Exhibition Committee
2025年2月の写真展: 2月1日- 28日
絵を収集・展示する現代美術家: 浅野 修
今回の子供の絵画展は、造形作家・浅野 修の北海道・十勝におけるプロジェクトの出張展です。十勝出身の浅野は、JR芽室駅に隣接する穀物用赤レンガ倉庫を求心力あるアートスペースに変身させました。それが広大のじゃがいも農地を守る防風林のカラマツの端材を使った三角のフレームを自在に組み立て、ジャガイモに模した巨大な造形をいくつも納めた『巨大じゃがいもアート館』です。
日時: 2月12日 (水) 午後6時30分から8時30分 (受付6時-)
料金: 会員 1,000 円 非会員2,000 円 (1ドリンク付き)
造形作家・浅野 修 & ウクライナの音楽家カテリーナを迎えて

「子供は戦争をしないのだ」という浅野 修がとつとつと、あるいは雄弁に語る深い理念にじっくり耳を傾けていただくと共に、日本で活躍する多忙なウクライナ人歌姫、伝統楽器バンドゥーラ奏者・カテリーナの美しい歌声と演奏をお楽しみいただきます。
Peter Lyon - Chairman, Exhibition Committee