
Who is this man who tells us he is “called the Reaper”? The reference is to the mythical Grim Reaper, a 14th century European personification of death in the form of a skeletal figure in a hooded robe who carries a scythe for harvesting people whose time on earth is up. 

Author Yuusuke Wada was born into a family that had worked as undertakers in the Kanagawa area since the end of the Edo period. He tells us that the mortician business really took hold in Japan after feudal lords commanded that bodies lying around battlefields be cleaned up.

Wada started out with his own, different professional goals. Graduating from Boston University with a degree in engineering, he got a job developing products – laser printers and copiers – for a well-known camera company.

From that high-tech job, however, as many Japanese sons eventually do, he saw fit to take over the tradition-al family business. That was not quite the 180-degree turnabout that it may appear to have been, because he quickly found ways to apply his technical knowhow to his second career as a funeral director. He traveled all around Japan, especially in rural areas, to research and reform the death business – and people’s views of it. 

Now FCCJ Associate Member Wada – who’s known around the club for his bow ties and extravagant sense of humor – describes himself as a death business system integrator consultant who believes that life is worth living and everybody deserves a happy ending.

His memoir (available both in English and in Japanese) is written in his trademark comical way. Join us, and be prepared to smile, as he tells us all about his roller coaster life.

Doors open at 5:30 pm. Dinner is served from 6:00 pm. The presentation starts from 6:30 pm. Menu: Green Salad/ Pork Shoulder Cutlet and Zucchini's Millefeuille Gratin with Caviar d'Aubergine Sauce/ Mont Blanc with Caramel Ice Cream/ Coffee or Tea with One Drink. Book Break charges are 3,000 yen/ 4,000 yen (members/ non-members) per person.

FCCJ members can sign up at the reception desk. Reservations cancelled less than 72 hours in advance will be charged in full.

Non-members can reserve at the reception desk by email (front@fccj.or.jp). Payment is in advance till Friday, September 24th, 2021. No refund is available unless the event is cancelled by FCCJ.

Online attendance (via Zoom) is available at 550 yen per person. Please indicate the intention to attend online when signing up. Details on how to join online will be sent to individual emails after their reservations are confirmed. 

Attendees with food restriction should inform the reception desk (front@fccj.or.jp) three days before the event. We kindly ask for your cooperation with Covid-19 prevention measures at the reception and to wear a mask in the premises. Thank you.

(The talk will be in English)



今回のBook Breakの書名「死神と呼ばれた男」で描かれた、この男は何者か。The Reaper とは、14世紀のヨーロッパで、鎌を持ち、黒いマントをかぶった骸骨として描かれるようになった死神「グリム・リーパー」を指す。




【開場時間】午後5時半 (自由席)
【料金】会員3,000円(税込み、セットディナー、1ドリンク付)/ 一般 4,000円(同左)

【メニュー】グリーンサラダ/  豚肩ロースのカツレツとズッキーニのミルフィーユグラタン添え/ キャビアオーベルジーヌのソース/ モンブランとキャラメルアイスクリーム/ コーヒーまたは紅茶/ 1ドリンク



一般のお客様:フロント宛てにメールをお送りください。メールアドレス front@fccj.or.jp  ご予約及びお支払いは9月24日(金)までにお願いいたします。




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