(Japanese translation follows English, 日本語訳は英文の後に続きます。)
Revision: Please note the documentary will have English subtitles.

Documentary and Director Speech: Public Defender
What happens when a liberal public defender represents right-wing January 6th rioters?

18:00-20:00 (doors open 17:30), Wednesday, November 13, 2024
The documentary will be in English with English subtitles and
the speech and Q&A with the Director in English with Japanese interpretation.

See Trailer: Public Defender (Trailer)

Please join us for this 50-minute award-winning documentary, Public Defender, with a special appearance by veteran director Andrea Kalin, who will discuss her work.

Public Defender is a true story of a liberal public defender, Heather Shaner, in Washington, DC, who represents January 6th rioters. It takes on America's epidemic of division and misinformation with humanity and comic relief, modeling how to restore trust and accountability one relationship at a time.

Kalin is an award-winning filmmaker and founder of Spark Media, a production company dedicated to programs with a social conscience. Kalin’s storytelling has earned her over 100 awards and honors, including a Primetime Emmy. Her work has been shown theatrically and at film festivals around the world, including Hot Docs, Woodstock Film Festival, and Human Rights Watch Film Festival, and is distributed by global broadcasters and streaming platforms.

Members: 3,500 yen (tax included), with snacks and 1 drink
Guests: 4,000 yen (tax included), with snacks and 1 drink

Please RSVP at Reception, 03-3211-3161 or front@fccj.or.jp by November 11.
No refund is available unless the event is cancelled by the FCCJ or the attendee cancels more than 48 hours before the event.

Associate Members Liaison Committee

AMLC スペシャルイベント

2024年11月13日(水)6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (開場5:30)

予告編:  Public Defender (Trailer)

主人公は、この事件で訴追されたトランプ前大統領の支持者たちを弁護することになった、リベラル派の公選弁護人ヘザー・シェイナー(Heather Shaner)さんです。
今回、当上映会に合わせ、制作者のアンドレア・カリン監督(Andrea Kalin)が来日する予定で、自らこの作品に込めた思いを語り、皆さんからの質問にもお答えします。

会員 3,500 円 (税込) スナック1ドリンク付き
ゲスト 4,000 円 (税込)  スナック1ドリンク付き

お申込みは11月11日までにフロントへ03-3211-3161 またはメールでfront@fccj.or.jp
