
Regular Member
Scott Foster
Asia Times
Scott Foster is a journalist and research analyst who now writes about technology and other topics for Asia Times. He also contributes a quarterly Asia Letter to Strategic News Service (SNS) and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Future in Review (FiRe) technology conference, where he is an occasional speaker. He is the author of Stealth Japan: The Surprise Success of the World's First InfoMerc Economy (FiReBooks, 2016).
Scott worked for American and European investment banks in Japan and Korea for more than 25 years. Among other positions, he was senior technology analyst at Lehman Brothers Japan and head of research at Merrill Lynch Korea. He has also served as an interpreter for foreign investors visiting companies in Japan.
Scott received a BA from Stanford University (1976) and an MA from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (1982). He also holds a teacher's certificate (Shihan) from the Tozan-ryu school of Shakuhachi (Japanese vertical bamboo flute) music and a second degree black belt from the Karate-no-Michi World Federation (KWF). He is a permanent resident of Japan.

Associate Member
Ken Matsuoka
The Saikyo Bank Ltd.

Associate Member (Reinstatement)
Yutaka Nagashima
1969.3.31 B.A. conferment of degree from Keio University
1969.4.1 Joined NYK Line
1971.2.1 Appointed as trainee in Houston, TX
Mopac Railroad in St. Louis, MO
Norfolk and Western Railway Roanoke, VA
1973.4.1 NYK Line, New York Branch
1975.12.1 NYK Tokyo, H.Q.
1988.9.1 NYK (USA) Chicago Il.
Manager of Logistics Department
1992.4.1 Appointed as Executive Vice President of NYK Line (USA) Central Region
1994.12.1 Appointed as General Manager, Import Sales and Marketing Division, Tokyo Liner Div.
1998.7.1 Appointed as Executive Vice President, NYK (USA) Western Division
2002.7.1 Appointed as President of Yusen Terminals, Inc.
2008.7.1 Appointed as Chairman, NYK Terminals
2010.4.1 Retired
2010.4.1 President, Trans Ocean Company
2012.4.1 Vice President, Energy Resources Inc. USA