From the Editor

Justin McCurry

Happy New Year! I’d like to start the Year of the Snake with a request. The Number 1 Shimbun is far more than the monthly magazine of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan. Over several decades and multiple editors, in paper form and as an exclusively online publication, it has been a valuable forum for writers, experienced and otherwise, to share their articles on topics they find interesting but which might not be quite right editorially for their regular outlets. The Number 1 Shimbun, though, has a simple brief: to carry writing that will appeal to anyone with an interest in Japan or journalism ... or both. And content needn’t be confined to those topics: we welcome pieces inspired by news throughout the region and beyond that has consequences for our work as media professionals, whether it be Chinese authorities’ crackdown on press freedoms in Hong Kong or, as in this month’s issue, the chilling – and thankfully short-lived – consequences for journalists of last month’s declaration of martial law in South Korea. Regular readers will know that the magazine has eclectic tastes: Mark Schreiber’s fascinating walks through Japanese history, Stephen Mansfield’s expert scrutiny of the art world, Philip Brasor’s detailed analysis of Japan’s media, and much more. And, of course, there is always room for reports on news and cultural events at the FCCJ. As we look forward to what should be an eventful 2025, I’d like to encourage as many readers as possible to write for the magazine, particularly those who have been reluctant to do so in the past, believing, perhaps, that the Shimbun operates as some kind of closed shop. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is your magazine and, as editor, nothing would please me more than to find pitches from new and existing contributors in the inbox of our resurrected email: Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Artwork by Julio Shiiki



The Number 1 Shimbun

January 2025


Publisher FCCJ

Editor  Justin McCurry

Designer  Julio Kohji Shiiki,

Website  Paul Braganza

Editorial Assistant  Naomichi Iwamura

Photo coordination  Hiroko Moriwaki

Publications Committee
Justin McCurry (Chair), Suvendrini Kakuchi, David McNeill, Andy Sharp


FCCJ Board of Directors

President  Dan Sloan

1st Vice President  Khaldon Azhari

2nd Vice President  Randy Schmidt

Treasurer  Anthony Rowley

Secretary  David M. Umeda

Shuri Fukunaga, Suvendrini Kakuchi, Dave McCombs, Taeko Nagayama

Kanji  Martin Fackler, Knopf Doubleday Publishing & Simon Farrell, Custom Media K.K.


FCCJ Committee & Ad-hoc Committee Chairs

Publications  Justin McCurry

Associate Members’ Liaison  Simon Farrell & David Umeda

Entertainment  Jake Adelstein & Simon Farrell

Exhibitions  Peter Lyon

Film  Karen Severns

Finance  Anthony Rowley

Food & Beverage  Shuri Fukunaga & Michiyo Nakamoto

Freedom of Press  David McNeill

House & Property  Khaldon Azhari

Human Resources  Randy Schmidt

Information Technology  Hinza Asif & Yusuke Wada

Library, Archives & Workroom  Suvendrini Kakuchi & Robert Whiting

Membership  Randy Schmidt

Professional Activities  Tetsuo Jimbo & Martin Koelling

DeRoy Memorial Scholarship  Martin Fackler

Compliance  Kunio Hamada & Yoshisuke Iinuma

Election  Yoshisuke Iinuma

Deep Dive  Anthony Rowley

Membership Marketing  Gary Bremermann

Sports  Akihiko Tanabe


The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

Marunouchi Nijubashi Building 5F
Marunouchi 3-2-3 Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0005
Tel: (03) 3211-3161・

Published by the FCCJ All opinions contained within the Number 1 Shimbun are those of the authors. As such, these opinions do not constitute an official position of Number 1 Shimbun, the editor or the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan.