
Regular Member
Eva Casper
Deine Korrespondentin
Eva Casper is a freelance correspondent based in Kyoto focusing on gender equality and women's rights. She previously worked as an online editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung and the TV broadcaster BR in Munich. She attended the German School of Journalism and holds an MBA degree from the Braunschweig University of Art, where she majored in Media Studies.

Regular Member
Kano Hiroyuki
The Sankei Shimbun
Kano Hiroyuki was appointed International News Editor of The Sankei Shimbun on October 1, 2021. Before that, he had worked as Deputy International News Editor since January 2019. Kano was born in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, in December 1969. After graduating from Waseda University, he joined The Sankei Shimbun in 1992.
From July 1997 to February 2001, he worked in Political News Division where he mainly covered national security issues. From March-August 2001, he worked at the headquarters of USA Today in the U.S., where he translated news articles to be distributed to Japan. He studied at University of California, San Diego in 2004. After returning to the Political News Division, Kano was made Chief Correspondent at the Prime Minister’s Office during the Yoshihiko Noda administration from 2011 to 2012.
From May 2014 to December 2018, he worked as a Washington correspondent and reported a wide range of topics, such as the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and the U.S-led campaign against Islamic State. He returned to Tokyo in January 2019 and has been working in the International News Division since then. He and his wife, Kano Atsuko, have two daughters.

Reinstatement (Professional/Journalist Associate)
Osamu Sato
Undesnii Shuudan Daily Newspaper
1969-1976 Chief Editor, Ryudo general monthly magazine
1977-1982 Manager of Tokyo branch office, "South America News Agency" (Head Office is located in San Paolo) Correspondent at Tokyo Office, Paulista daily paper
1983-1984 Chairman of Nagano University (in charge of international relations)
1984-1988 Editing member, Etsuzan monthly magazine (policy paper of former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka)
1989-1995 Vice Chief Director, Seikatsu Bunka Sogo Kenkyujyo (under the supervision of the Cabinet Office)
1996-2005 Editorial Member, Ungi quarterly journal (policy paper of former Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato)
2004-2008 Deputy Chief Editor, Keizaikai general economics magazine (published twice a month)
- Edited Mongolia Special Issue (2006) and conducted an interview with Mongolian president and prime minister
- Edited Brazil Special Issue (2007) and conducted an interview with foreign minister
2009-Present Writing as a freelance journalist
Representative Director at SORA Co., Ltd. (editing and publishing company)
Chairman of NPO Nihon Rodokujin Kyokai
Chairman of haiku magazine SORA under the pen name Yufo

Associate Member
Makoto Kohno
KITZ Corporation
Born: March 10, 1966
April 1988: Joined KITZ
August 2008: General Manager, Project Sales Department, International Sales Division, Flow Control Business Unit
December 2011: General Manager, Project Management Department
April 2013: General Manager, Production Control Department, Production Division, Flow Control Business Unit
April 2015: General Manager, Business Planning Department, Flow Control Business Unit
April 2016: Executive Officer, Division Manager, Corporate Planning Division
April 2017: CEO & Managing Director, KITZ Corporation of Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Managing Director, KITZ Valve & Actuation Singapore Pte. Ltd.
April 2019: Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Unit
June 2019: Director, Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Unit
March 2021: President and Chief Executive Officer (present position)

Associate Member
Rie Uetsuhara
The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Rie Uetsuhara is a senior communications officer for the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (SPF), one of the largest private foundations in Asia. As a member of the PR team, she supports SPF's media relations efforts by coordinating coverage of the foundation by major domestic and international media outlets, organizing study sessions with SPF researchers and reporters, and managing internal communication. Prior to joining SPF in 2017, she worked for several Japanese and international mobile telecommunications companies where her duties included marketing, product development, and design.
She has a Master's Degree in Social Psychology from Toyo University and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Eastern Oregon University.

Reinstatement (Associate)
Yasuyuki Hotta
KITZ Corporation
Born: June 18, 1955
March 1978: Joined KITZ
January 1997: Branch Manager, Chubu Branch, Sales Division
April 2001: Plant Manager, Nagasaka Plant
October 2001: Managing Executive Director, KITZ SCT Corporation
June 2004: Representative Director and President, KITZ SCT Corporation
April 2006: Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Division
April 2007: Senior Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Division
June 2007: Director, Senior Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Division
June 2008: President and Chief Executive Officer, General Manager, Flow Control Business Division
April 2009: President and Chief Executive Officer
March 2021: Chairman and Representative Director (present position)

Reinstatement (Associate)