
A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal
Ben MacintyreCrown
Gift from Frankie F. L. Leung

Getting Over It! Why Korea Needs to Stop Bashing Japan
Sonfa Oh; Ichiro Otani (trans.)
Tachibana Publishing
Gift from Hiroyuki Fujita

Hong Kong Arts Shi
ori Ito
Gift from Shiori Ito

Shin Taiwan shi
Joe Hung
Joe Hung
Gift from Joe Hung

The Coming War
Todd Crowell
Thistle Publishing
Gift from Todd Crowell

Masaaki Hatsumi Dojo Art
Masaaki Hatsumi; Steve Olsen (introduction and photography)
Steve Olsen
Gift from Masaaki Hatsumi

Chinese Politics in the Era of Xi Jinping: Renaissance, Reform, or Retrogression?
Willy Wo-Lap Lam. Routledge

Grassroots Fascism: The War Experience of the Japanese People
Yoshimi Yoshiaki; Ethan Mark (trans.)
Columbia University Press

The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
Walter Isaacson Simon & Schuster

Deng Xiaoping: A Revolutionary Life
Alexander V. Pantsov; Steven I. Levine
Oxford University Press

The Silver Spoon: Memoir of a Boyhood in Japan
Kansuke Naka; Hiroaki Sato (trans.)
Stone Bridge Press