October 2023 | Exhibition
Group exhibition curated by Rodrigo Reyes Marin
September 30 - November 3
The Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition celebrated from October 31 to November 2 in which our deceased are honored. This conception of celebrating death originated as a syncretism between the Catholic celebrations (from Spain) and indigenous celebrations (from Mexico) - a mixture of both cultures. For the second year in a row, we will exhibit our work at the FCCJ to show the concept of the Catrina from our very particular point of view. With the growing popularity of Catrina and the festivities of the Day of the Dead, we invited artists from Mexico, the United States and Japan, to join our exhibition under the title: Catrinas Around the World 2023.
Artists in this exhibition include Mario Marín from Mexico, Livette Ruvalcaba, Evelyn Trejo, Gus Mejía, and el Charro Gonzalez, Black Unicornio in the United States, and with Rodrigo Reyes Martin, Nahomi Moriyama, Chiaki Iizaka and Lizeth R. Marin who are based in Japan.

Bruce Osborn (Exhibition Committee Chair)
Peter Lyon (Co-Chair)