
Goodwill of Animart

by Takehiko Kamei

AT A TIME WHEN the world is confronted with numerous disasters, we should look back over our national histories to revive memories of what I call ANIMA, which has been shared by humanity since ancient times and expresses its desires and hopes for peace through art. In my capacity as an artist and as a member of the human race I have carried out a variety of creative activities, both in Japan and abroad that I call ANIMART. For this exhibition, I show works that present an image of spiritual peace and prayer.

After working for Suntory, Takehiko Kamei was one of the founding members of SUN-AD Co., Ltd, where he worked in advertisement production. In 1965, he moved to Toronto to concentrate on anime and painting. He was also the art director for Art Canada magazine. Kamei then traveled the U.S. and Europe exhibiting his art, which has received various awards internationally.