Status Change (From Professional/Journalist Associate to Regular)

PETER O’CONNOR, of Musashino University, first came to Japan in 1976, when he wrote advertising copy for Dentsu. He first visited the FCCJ in 1977 when he was introduced to Murray Sayle. Peter is back at the Club as an historian of the transnational media of East Asia. His most recent book was (in Irish Gaelic) An tÉirí Amach sa Domhan Thoir: Mar a chonaic an tSeapáin, an tSín agus an Chóiré éirí amach na Cásca is a thionchar (Dublin, Coiscéim: 2016), on the influence of Dublin’s 1916 Easter Rising on independence movements in East Asia. Peter has been setting up databases of historical East Asian newspapers with Brill Publishers, of Leiden, The Netherlands.

KATHRYN WORTLEY is a Japan correspondent for Canada- and UK-based business news agency International News Services. She also writes freelance for Asia-Pacific travel publication TTG Asia, the Asia Times, the Japan Times and Japan Today. After writing for Scottish outdoor magazine Walkwise and Glasgow’s Evening Times, Kathryn moved to Japan in 2008 to pursue her love of the Japanese language. She worked on video media in Kagoshima before relocating to Tokyo for a project at the British Embassy. She is a former editor of BCCJ Acumen, the magazine of the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan.
Rosa Argyropoulos,
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Takako Ikegai, no affiliation
Takashi Matsumura, GENEQ Corporation
Shinnosuke Miyazaki, Arts And Crafts Company
Hideo Nakazawa, Hitachi, Ltd.
Yozo Omori, Streetmedia, Inc.
Ko Takemoto, no affiliation
Kimitaka Usami, K-Square Inc.
Gen Matsuda, AsZ Holdings, Inc.
Akira Oka, Direct Marketing Japan, Inc.