
America Alone
Steyn, Mark Regnery Publishing, Inc.
Gift from Mark Steyn

The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change
Gore, Al Random House

Asia for the Asians
Harrel, Paula S., Merwin Asia

Bones of Contention
Ambros, Barbara R. University of Hawaii Press

From the Ruins of Empire
Mishra, Pankaj Allen Lane/Penguin Books

Mallon, Thomas Pantheon
Books Gift from Todd Crowell

Radiation: What it is, What You Need to Know
Gale, Robert Peter Alfred A. Knopf
Gift from ShakaiHoken Shinryo Hoshu Shiharai Kikin

Curie Fujin no Tamatebako
Kissho, Mizue Tokyoshoseki
Gift from Kyosuke Mori

Attacks on the Press
The Committee to Protect Journalists
Gift from the Publisher

Tate no Ronri
Yoshikawa, Keiichi Tendensha
Gift from the author

The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
The Asia Society of Japan
Gift from the Publisher