
Nuclear North Korea: A Debate on Engagement Strategies
Victor D. Cha; David C. Kang
Columbia University Press
Gift from Andrew Horvat

The Bridge at No Gun Ri: A Hidden Nightmare from the Korean War
Charles J. Hanley; Sang-Hun Choe; Martha Mendoza
Henry Holt and Company
Gift from Andrew Horvat

Offspring of Empire: The Koch’ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism 1876-1945
Carter J. Eckert
University of Washington Press
Gift from Andrew Horvat

かわら版新聞 江戸・明治三百事件 I : 大坂夏の陣から豪商銭屋五兵衛の最期
Kawaraban Papers and Modern Newspapers: 300 Events of Edo and Meiji Eras - from Summer Siege of Osaka Castle to death of Zeniya-Gohei, Wealthy Merchant
Kozaburo Nishimaki (ed.)
Gift from Andrew Horvat

かわら版新聞 江戸・明治三百事件 II : 黒船来航から鳥羽伏見の戦い
Kawaraban Papers and Modern Newspapers: 300 Events of Edo and Meiji Eras - from “Kurofune” to the battle of Toba-Fushimi
Kozaburo Nishimaki (ed.)
Gift from Andrew Horvat

かわら版新聞 江戸・明治三百事件 III : 江戸開城から東海道線全通
Kawaraban Papers and Modern Newspapers: 300 Events of Edo and Meiji Eras - from the surrendering of the Edo to the opening of the Tokaido Line
Kozaburo Nishimaki (ed.)
Gift from Andrew Horvat