
LI HAI, from China’s Sichuan province, studied Japanese at a university in Chengdu for a year before coming to Japan to continue his studies. He later studied law at Kagawa University before enrolling at the graduate school of international language culture of Nagoya University to research Liang Qi-chao, a journalist who came to Japan as a political refugee. He is now working as a journalist at the Tokyo branch office of Hong Kong Satellite TV.

STEFANO CARRER is the Tokyo bureau chief of Il Sole-24 Ore, the leading Italian economic, financial and political daily newspaper. He got a degree in law at the University of Milan and a Masters in Journalism from the Istituto per la Formazione al Giornalismo in Milan. He worked for Il Sole 24 Ore in 1989 as a stringer from New York before formally joining the newspaper as staff reporter in 1993, and spending extensive periods of work abroad, especially in New York and London. He was on vacation in Tokyo on March 11, 2011 when the earthquake changed his focus: the Italy-Japan Foundation later gave him an award for his reporting about the post-tsunami events. Abenomics brought him back to Japan on a permanent basis, where he’s trying to cope with new multimedia tasks, switching toward radio and video reporting for Web TV.

Li Hai, Hong Kong Satellite TV International Media Group

Stefano Carrer, Il Sole 24 Ore

Yuko Inoue, Freelance

Masahiko Katou, Iso Kousan Co., Ltd.
Shingo Iwachido, Ozaki & Partners
Chizu Suzuki, Rosie Blue Co.
Hideki Iwatsuki, Quants Research Inc.
Tsutomu Kishino, Ikebukuro District Heating & Cooling Co., Ltd.